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Microtech Medical

Equil Patch Insulin Pump

Equil Patch Insulin Pump

Regular price $650.00 USD
Regular price $38,000.00 USD Sale price $650.00 USD
Sale Sold out
Blood Glucose Unit
Insulin Pump Set

Components of Equil Patch Insulin Pump

4 Steps to install the Equil Patch Insulin Pump

Before applying the insulin pump therapy, following steps should be considered:

1, Go to your HCP for basic concept on TDD, Basal rate, Bolus calculator(Target BG, ICR, ISF, Correction bolus, Active insulin), insulin type(quick/rapid insulin) etc. And then decide if the pump therapy is required or not.

2, If the pump therapy is a must and the prescription is ready, ask your HCP or local supplier to provide onsite training, including but not limited to:

2.1 Initial settings for the pump: basal rate, bolus calculator, etc.

2.2 How to use the patch pump correctly, including reservoir/cannula/patch replacement every 3 days;

2.3 FAQs on the device, allergic treatment.

2.4 Follow up and basal/bolus adjustments(usually 3 to 6 month) to get the best performance. 



For Type 1 diabetes users only, or some type 2 diabetes.

The pump must be used under parents or HCP's supervision or instruction.

Highly suggested to reach our local distributor for full run of training and follow up.

Local HCP's prescription for insulin pump therapy is a must before buying the pump set products.

Close loop will be available very soon.


Insulin Pump start worksheet(reference only):


Please go to "Academy" for more details on the Equil Patch Insulin Pump on this website:

  • Part.1-General Setting
  • Part.2-Therapy setup and installation
  • Part.3-PDA home screen setting
  • Part.4-Basal Rate Adjustment
  • Part.5-Understanding Boluses
  • Part.6-Bolus Calculator



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